Gilbert Brakken


Gilbert Brakken - The Pioneer


Gilbert Brakken immigrated to the United States in 1865. He made his way to Alexandria Minnesota to be the bookkeeper for his cousin who ran the general store.

With his formal education in Norway, Gilbert could read and write and became known as "The Writer". He was depended on to read and write letters for others in the community.

In addition to being a bookkeeper, Gilbert and his wife homesteaded a farm on the shores of Lake Ida. He was able to make his own lime for cement and produced construction bricks some of which were used to build the county court house.

Tragedy, Ghosts and a New Beginning


By 1885 things were looking bright for the Brakken family then tragedy struck the family. In less than a year Gilbert lost his wife and six of his daughters to TB. To make matters worse, the remaining girls would be visited by ghosts whenever Gilbert left the farm.

Norm tells the story of how Gilbert sets thing right and start the family on a new beginning.

The Wikiup Club


In 1900, some wealthy Twin Cities men wanted a summer fishing get away. The shores of Lake Ida with its trophy Bass were an ideal location. The Brakken's sand point on Lake Ida was leased to this group and the Wikiup Club was born.

Brakken Family History