Gurine Brakken


Keeping the Family Together


After Gilbert's death in 1902, Gurine was left with three boys and a farm in debit. She managed to use her knowledge of dairy to find a way to keep the family together and keep the farm.

Gurine was determined to make sure the land went to her sons. She shrewdly did not probate the estate as a way to keep control of the land at a time when women were not deemed able to manage their affairs.

Her Sons Grow Up


As her sons grow up they find many ways to make money from selling firewood to catching frogs.

As the youngest, Anton is stuck with taking care of the cattle but learns animal husbandry; a skill that will see his family through the depression in the 1930s

Sam and Archie Return From WW I


The oldest two sons, Sam and Archie, are drafted into the army leaving Anton and his mother to run the farm.

Archie returns and wants nothing to do with farming and Anton uses his "Frog Money" to help him buy the pool hall.

The Sale of the Wikiup Club Land


There is an offer to by the Wikiup Club land. The proceeds are used to buy a house in Alexandria for Gurine.

Brakken Family History